Swim Lessons Roy Jenkins - 21003011

Preschool Aquatics - AM


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Activity Details

Preschool Aquatics - AM

Meeting Details

Time: 9:45 am - 10:15 am
Days: Tue - Fri
Roy Jenkins Pool
154 Columbia Dr
Tampa, FL, 33606


Age older than or equal to 3.00 and younger than or equal to 5.99. The date used for calculating the age is Transaction Date.
At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass code list: 4RCFAMAD1 (Rec Card Family Adult 1), 4RCFAMAD2 (Rec Card Family Adult 2), 5RCFAMSR1 (Rec Card Family Senior 1), 5RCFAMSR2 (Rec Card Family Senior 2), 4RCFAMYT (Rec Card Family Youth), 3RCINDAD (Rec Card Individual Adult), 7RCINDDISAD (Rec Card Individual Disabled Adult), 7RCINDDISSR (Rec Card Individual Disabled Senior), 7RCINDDISYT (Rec Card Individual Disabled Youth), 2RCINDSR (Rec Card Individual Senior), 1RCINDYT (Rec Card Individual Youth), 1RCTEEN (Rec Card Teen Pass), valid on transaction date.

Preschool Aquatics - AM

Designed to orient preschool age children to the aquatic environment, this swim lesson works on basic aquatic skills such as entering and exiting the water, blowing bubbles through nose and mouth, going underwater, bobbing, front and back glides, retrieving submerged objects, and learning how to stay safe in the water. Children will be placed according to ablility in this class. A current Rec Card is required.


Charge When Not Billed:
Swim lesson enrollment (Standard Fee): $24.00 + $0.00 Tax = $24.00
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